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martes, 15 de junio de 2010

Football and education

Football (soccer) as Americans say is one of the most popular sports worldwide.

It has many ancestors, such as "Calcio" in Italy or "Juego de pelota" in Mexico. But English were the ones who first created the game as it is known until our days.

Football is not only a sport, it includes many principles of different areas of science, like Physics, Geometry, Biology, Chemestry, etc. It also involves a variety of art expressions, such as Scuplture, Painting, Music and Filming industry.

Football provides indeed many values: team work, solidarity, effort, dignity, pride, and much more which can be closely related to attitudes promoted in schools since centuries ago.

Many people, but mostly the young ones might have considered football as "the easy way" to get a successful life, however football's culture is much bigger and harder than it looks.

School must find a closer relationship with football so it can become a useful tool in the search of meaningful learning, specially for students which cultural background is mainly football.

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